Σάββατο 11 Μαΐου 2019

A Proposal for Fixing the Mess In Hellas Irreversibly

Dear Hellenes, Peter Vangelatos asked me to offer my proposal and I have obliged as follows: For the record, I am NOT a politician either but I CHOOSE to have and informed opinion on what matters to my motherland Hellas and express it here as often as I think it is required and as time permits :-)! I will document my position as follows: S - Strengths: Hellas has many strengths due its location in the world as Gate btwn Europe and Middle East/Africa and then Asia. The above strengths will be reduced but not eliminated when commerce will be established through the North Pole area. Hellas also has significant wealth underground both in its land (Central North and North) and sea areas. In addition, the Hellenic area of the Mediterranean sea has high quality and volume of seafood. The climate of Hellas, its unique and vast historical sites throughout Hellas are another strong advantage. The Hellenic wine, olives, olive oil and other food products are another strength. The Hellenic population is highly educated with a heavy dose of business ingenuity/savvy – I choose to include here the Hellenes abroad because they are always there to help their motherland and could be Hellas’ sole strength WHENEVER Hellas were to decide and engage them PROPERLY. W – Weaknesses: Highly corrupt political, judicial, governmental and media people/systems coupled with a highly “porous” constitution. Unstable government. The process for starting a new business and/or getting some assistance in case of difficulties continues to be highly bureaucratic with lots of red tape. Absence of a proper Hellenic Ethnic Strategic Plan for Business/Commerce, External (Foreign) Policy/Defense, Education that would be above political parties and other self-serving interests. Hellas is de facto a non-independent country given European bankers now and for the next 100 years will have the final say in most if not all major Hellenic expenditure decisions. A significant percentage of the population works for the government and continues to be inefficient/non-productive. Aging population due to low reproduction and emigration of otherwise highly qualified, young Hellenes abroad in search of work, a better life … A culture of customer service excellence continues to fade away, in some sectors reaching problematic and/or unacceptable levels. Lastly, Hellenes love to be in charge regardless of qualifications; perhaps as much as 20-30% - maybe even up to 40/50% - of the population have had the title of President at some point in their life. The current, non-wealthy Hellene appears to be in a lethargic condition, pretty much disgusted with the very difficult life situation. O - Opportunities: The opposite of each of the previously stated weaknesses are the available Opportunities. T – Threats: Hellenes’ worst threat/enemy is “thyself”!!!!!!!!! History has proven that time and time again. Turkey continues to be the number ONE threat due to many political, geostrategic, economic, cultural and other conflicts. Albania and the Former Yogoslavic Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) are the next two very serious threats. Also, if politicians continue to offer Hellenic citizenship to various refugees in exchange for their vote, then it is possible that over the next 10 years the composition and identity of Hellas might change irreversibly to something other than being Hellas with nearly 90%+ bonafide Hellenes. The current political, judicial, governmental and media corruption and favoritism on behalf of the rich and powerful can not continue to exist as it is now for very much longer. My proposed Action Plan (First Draft): 1. Establish Hellenic Ethnic Strategic Plan by proper engagement of the working people, bright scientists/business Hellenes abroad, securing the support of the “establishment” and then begin IMMEDIATE implementation. First, Hellas must implement solutions for reaping the benefits from the “low hanging fruits or quick hits,” then continue with medium range solutions and then longer term plans. Finally, constantly review, update and adjust the core Strategic Plan as it might be required per the ever changing global environmental conditions. 2. Secure the agreement of the politicians to have a NEW Government run by a truly qualified person, non-politician: one who will do as they say and talk honestly and straight with/to the people. 3. Communicate to the global community, its close allies and the world that the new government will abide by the commitments of previous Hellenic governments on the condition a proper review of same will not uncover “foul play.” 4. Develop and communicate a specific list of powerful Incentives for Doing Business, Vacationing in Hellas that could entice the outside world to partner with Hellas and its people for now and the long term. Simultaneously, minimize/eliminate bureaucratic, red tape business practices by applying successful practices from other countries. 5. Overhaul the current Educational system, especially that after High School and set it up so every graduating professional knows how and where to find suitable, properly paying job instead of waiting to be given a job somewhere in the government, all of which will eliminate the plague called “Private Tutoring Systems/Services.” 6. Revamp the Hellenic Constitution and Justice System to ensure each Hellenic politician is ALWAYS accountable for their actions and should they brake the law, then they would be properly punished, thereby putting an end to the current bordello situation (getting away with murder: being a national traitor, thief, crook, etc.) 7. Work towards and finally reach a lasting solution with its neighbors, e.g. Turkey, Albania, FYROM/Skopjie, etc. Next, sign peace agreements with each neighboring country over the LONG term. I look forward to the input from others.

Costas Chantzis

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